A variety of analytical methods can be utilized to determine the composition of a metal alloy or polymer blend.
Many metal alloys have specific compositions to achieve a desired strength, microstructure, or corrosion resistance. Alloy Composition Analysis can be used to determine if a metal alloy’s composition meets expectations and whether any impurities may be present, affecting material properties and performance.
Composition testing for polymer blends is also possible using an appropriate set of analytical techniques. For polymer blends, compatibility, phase separation, and microstructure are key aspects that determine the properties and performance of the material. The characterization techniques utilized are customized to your specific polymer blend and needs.
The chemical composition and microstructure of most metallic samples can be determined through one or more of the following techniques:
- Metallography and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry EDS
- Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy ICP-OES
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS
If specific elements such as sulfur or carbon in steels need to be measured to high accuracy, we partner with another SGS testing facility to offer LECO Combustion Analysis.
The composition of polymeric alloys is handled differently than metallic samples. We work closely with you to develop a testing scope that meets your needs. Applicable methods of analysis may include:
- Fourier Transform Infrared FTIR Spectroscopy
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR Spectroscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM and Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC

Sample Considerations
Samples used for metallic or polymeric alloy compositional analysis can be as small as a few grams, as long as the sample is representative.
Contact us to discuss your specific sample considerations and testing needs.
We have experience determining the elemental composition of a variety of materials to include:
- Plastics
- Polymer
- Ceramics
- Metals